Live reporting by
Adlyn Morrison
The developer for 1239 N. Wood listed a number of concessions and compromises made for the project by the request of the community.
Hi, my name is Addy Morrison w/ @CHIdocumenters Today I'll be live tweeting the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards. You can find the details of the meeting here: The meeting has begun at 10:35 a.m.……
10:36 AM Jan 9, 2025 CST

A quorum has been met. Alds. Mosley, La Spata, and Dowell have requested to attend by remote means. Motion approved. The Rule 45 Report containing the mins in December have been approved.

Alderman Walter Burnett Jr., Chairperson of Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards Several reads the items to be deferred. The motion was approved.……

Public comments has begun. First, Chicago's 'Concerned Citizen' Mr. George Blakemore. He criticizes the aldermen for starting the meeting 30 minutes late then accuses the public servants of having no respect for Chicagoan's time. He blames the city having a one party system.

Next, Ms. Jessica Jackson accuses the aldermen of racism and disrespect. She then accuses the aldermen of exploiting the black community for personal gain.

Ms. Edith Moore discusses the poor state of black Americans in Chicago. She finds the situation to be disgraceful.

Mr.Dale opposes a map amendment that wld allow for a large up-zoning in a residential area, citing the potential negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Believes the amendment was proposed to bail out a connected property owner than serving the community's best interests

Ms. Zoe Lee is upset about the demolition of their building and the lack of action from local officials. She is determined to bring the issue to the federal level. The speaker plans to gather signatures to stop a land transfer and is working with the GOP to achieve this goal.

Mr. Benton a first ward resident expresses concerns about the up-zoning of a historic building at 1239 North Wood Street, citing its cultural & historical significance.

Mr. Benton continues to argue that the proposed 26-unit development will override the building's historic values and contribute to the displacement of long-term residents, citing the presence of Airbnb rentals in the area.

Public comments has ended. New Business has now begun. Zoning Administrator Patrick Murphey presents a text amendment to allow entertainment uses in Planned Manufacturing Districts 2 located w/in the 27 ward. Committee passes text amendment.……

Now we move on to allowing shared housing licenses for non-conforming residential united in "M" districts.

The current shared housing license ordinance allows licenses for zoning districts with residential use, but there's no practical reason to force non-conforming residential united in M districts to rezone to obtain a license.

The proposed changed would property owners to apply for shared housing licenses, addressing the issue of non-conforming properties in those areas. The motion passes.

Ald. Mosley request a change of a M1-2 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District. He has been working with the zoning dept. to identify zoning that could be put to better use in his community. This is a first series to promote a better quality of life in the 21st ward.

Ald. Timmy Knudsen (47th Ward) makes a change request to plan development for a Raising Canes restaurant at 112 West 87th Street. The first Raising Canes on Chicago's southside. The motion passes.

Ald. Jesses Fuentes (26th Ward) proposes zoning change for National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Cultural Archive Center. Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36th Ward) seeks zoning change for residential and multi-united district along Grand Avenue. Both motions pass.

Ald. Matt Martin (47th Ward) seeks zoning change for a massage establishment. Motion passes.

Now comes a request to rezone property from B1 (Neighborhood Shopping District) to a C1 (Neighborhood Commercial District) for tavern use. Braeden Lord, atty w/ Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, represents the property owner & applicant, Latchkey LLC in the matter. Motion passes.

Katrina McGuire on behalf of the owner and applicant at W. Irving Park Rd, with the residential entry on N. Oakley Ave from a B3-3 to a B3-3 under a type of zoning amendment for a reduced rear yard. Motion passes.……

Tyler Manic attorney with Schain Banks Kenny & Schwartz, Ltd. for property owner 1821 W. Berteau Ave, seeks zoning map amendment to rezone building from RS-3 to B2 district in order to bring the building to a conforming zoning district and re-tenant the space. Motion passes.

Tyler Manic attorney with Schain Banks Kenny & Schwartz, Ltd. for property owner 2134 West 18th Place. He presents a proposal to rezone the property to a mixed-use district. Motion passes.

Ald. Lawson (44th) moves to pass an 1st ward ordinance w/ support of the Chicago Grand Neighborhood Assoc. He requests rezoning of a property from a RS-3, a Residential Single-Unit District to a RM-4.5, a Residential Multi-Unit District to correct some illegal work. Motion passes

Rolando Acosta presents on behalf of an applicant at 1429 N Wood St LLC, at the SE corner of N. Wood St and W. Potomac Ave. There is a request to rezone property from RS3 to RM5. Proposed development includes a 4-story addition to the existing building and 10 units.

Acosta however admits the community is against the development due to the lack of parking (10) in relation to the number of units (26). The property referenced: Still, the motion passes.……

Katherine Jahnke Dale from DLA Piper represents the applicant, Hudson Michigan Avenue LLC. She requests a zoning change for a hotel and residential project. Ald. Dowell wholeheartedly supports the zoning change and project. Motion passes.……

Colleen Doherty of Kolpak Law Group represents the applicant for the property located at 2144-56th N Clybourn. She seeks a zoning amendment from M1-1 (Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District) to C1-2 (Neighborhood Commercial District). Motion passes.

Tom Moore represents Peter & Kelly Wairi, who want to rezone their property from RM-5 to RS-3 to build a single-family home. Moore also represent 3 sisters wanting to build a three-flat on a lot that's 115 ft deep, requiring a zoning change from RT-4 to R3. Both motions pass.

Alds. Irvin and Lawson provide support for a zoning change for a roof addition to existing condo near Wrigley field. Committee members unanimously pass the request with no opposition or questions.

Ald. Lawson moves to pass a zoning request for a community center in Belmont Cragin with support from the community and colleagues. "This is something that's very much needed, especially now how we're trying to reach out to youth through arts and through sports." Motion passes.

Attorney Mark Kilpatrick presents a proposal for a new residential building at 2480 South Blue Island Avenue--a vacant lot. Motion passes.……

A development from 2 nonprofits developers, Full Circle Communities and Visionary Ventures along w/ Canopy Architecture + design, present a proposal seeking to rezone a property for a new seven-story mixed use building with 45 affordable unites for Native Americans. Motion passes

You may find more information about the development here:……

Ald. Jessica Fuentes (Ward 26) moves to reconsider the development of Marcey Street from Sterling Bay--an item previously voted down, allowing for further community discussions. Motion passes.……

The meeting for the Chicago Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards has adjoined at 12:46 p.m. Thank you so much for reading.