Highland Park City Council

Highland Park City Council


Join meeting on Zoom:

Agendas may be found at: https://highlandparkmi.gov/government/city-council/agendas-minutes/2024/

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Detroit - MI Documenters Team

Note-taking by Yasmin Siddiqui

A motion to reappoint Lisa Stolarski as treasurer failed, with 3 out of 5 commissioners voting no. Council approves water shutoff moratorium, without being sure of their legal authority to do so.

Live reporting by Sherrie Smith

A motion to reappoint Lisa Stolarski as treasurer failed, with three out of five commissioners voting no. Council approves water shutoff moratorium, without being sure of their legal authority to do so.

Sherrie So Ultra @SherrieSoUltra
This Evening I’ll be live-tweeting the Highland Park City Council Meeting for Tues Sept 3rd at 7:00pm for #DETdocumenters @DetDocumenters Media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @metrotimes @Michigan_public @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit

05:45 PM Sep 3, 2024 CDT

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While you wait for today’s meeting to start, check out the thread from last be month’s meeting here: https://x.com/colleencirocco/status/1825571175138791487?s=46&t=RpYzZ1EoOiisPIGmWFspMA
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Here is the agenda for today’s meeting. It’s also available online at: highlandparkmi.gov/media/dtlo4r5a…
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For more info about how to join today’s meeting check out the Highland Park City Council website at: highlandparkmi.gov/government/cit…
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The workshop meeting is being adjourned and the Council meeting will begin in 5 minutes per President Thomas
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Here are visuals of today’s agenda
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Here is a snapshot of Highland Park City Council members and their corresponding districts
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Meeting called to at 7:09 pm. All members of Council are present
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Council President Pro-Tem Robinson made a motion to remove item VII applying for an EV charging grant for the city. The motion FAILED
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The Mayor will not be joining tonight’s meeting
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🗣️ PUBLIC COMMENT 🗣️ Each speaker will have 2 minutes to speak
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In person commenter: LS commented that the office of the Treasurer is not vacant but she is unable to take office because city administration is asking her alone to get a $2 million bond, no other city employee is bonded. She asked council vote that the city get a blanket bond
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In-person: husband of LS spoke regarding her interim treasurer role and the amounts she has spent for $500,000 and $1 million bonds that were both rejected by City administration
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CORRECTION: Brandon Parker is no longer a member of City Council. Council members are: Jamal K. Thomas - Council President Sharmain Robinson - President Pro Tem Temeko Manica, District 1 Kallela Martin, District 2 Khursheed Ash-Shafii, District 3
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Multiple members of community spoke in support of LS as Interim Treasurer.
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In-person: commenter stated that she googled the closest EV charging station and it is 2 miles away and only has two spaces
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Item V. Re-appointment of vacant City Treasurer position. Present Thomas shared the following on his screen re: requirement of treasurers in Michigan and stated he has no knowledge of anyone taking the MMTA Basic Course
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President Thomas stated the council previously agreed that the Treasurer is supposed to be bonded at the level of the previous Treasurer, a minimum of $2 million. Council Member Ash-Shafii reminded attendees that they will be able to vote in November
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Item V. Motion to fill the vacant City Treasurer position FAILED
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VI. CITY CLERK: establish polling locations and election worker pay. Councilman Ash-Shafii stated there were system failures during the primary and precinct votes were later being counted. The Clerk stated the issues were county issues and have been fixed. Motion APPROVED
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VII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT to submit application for “Plug-in” a Michigan Tri-County EV Charging Station. It was clarified that this would only be to submit an application. If approved for the grant the council would need to approve receiving the funds. Motion APPROVED
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VIII. DEPT OF ENGINEERING Submission of documents to vacate parcels for Means Highland Park, LLC, Hamilton Corridor Project. Resubmittal of corrected legal description of previously approved project. Motion APPROVED
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IX. DEPT PUBLIC WORKS to terminate contract with Kone Elevator. The contract was taken over by the company who purchased the company Detroit Elevator, but service has been poor. Motion PASSED
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CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Now citizens can speak on any topic for 2 minutes
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One resident asked who she could speak to about installing sited bumps on Buena Vista near Barbour school
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BAH has returned to the Council for the third time RE: his property that was damaged when a crew cleaning up a lot next door to his home knocked a 10-foot hole in the side of his property
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LS spoke to mayor re: Having street lights and speed bumps placed on California St. 2 cannabis businesses in Highland Park are operating but there was nothing put forth to the citizens for vote. President Thomas stated there is no highland Park ordinance but the state allows it
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Online caller stated that when city staff members apply for grants that is extra work for the employee and council should be supportive
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Online caller about the “craters” in the parking lot of the market. Who can citizens address about businesses maintaining their property/parking lots? Advised to contact Code Enforcement, Mr. Malone
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In-person commenter stated the treasurer issue needs to be resolved with the interim treasurer or find someone else ASAP so the other entities do not get involved
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COUNCIL AFFAIRS - Khursheed Ash-Shafii raised concerns about water rate hikes that were supposed only be 6 months but it’s the 9th month. Made a motion to put a moratorium on residential water shutoffs until rates come down. Council must suspend the rules to add the motion
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COUNCIL AFFAIRS - Khursheed Ash-Shafii Motion to suspend the rules to add the motion was APPROVED. Motion to place a moratorium on water shutoffs on only residential homes until 12/31/24. President Thomas believed it would be an overstep and is uncertain it would be legal
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COUNCIL AFFAIRS - Khursheed Ash-Shafii Motion to place moratorium on water shut offs until 12/31/24. Motion APPROVED
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COUNCIL AFFAIRS - Temeko Manica encouraged residents to go to Commission meetings, like Traffic or Police. Stated the business on Victor that is painted with cannabis signage but is not operating. Citywide Cleanup Sept 14th
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The councils sound was suddenly muted so they cannot be heard
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The sound has come back, not certain what was said during the muting.
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COUNCIL AFFAIRS - Jamal K. Thomas, Great Lakes Water Authority meters are still not in. Urged citizens to be a good example of critical thinking for our children
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Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm
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If you feel there are errors or corrections needed to these tweets or you have questions, please contact documenters@outliermedia.org
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This concludes the Highland Park City Council Meeting for 9/3/24. For more meeting coverage, check out: detroit.documenters.org

Agency Information

Highland Park City Council

Pursuant to the Highland Park Charter, Chapters 5 and 6, the City Council of Highland Park is comprised of 5 members; 2 at-large and one from each council district. The council exercises all of the legislative powers of the city, except as otherwise stated by law, and provides for the public’s peace and health, and for the safety of persons and property.

The council meets in regular session in the established Council Chamber on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.


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