Finance Committee & City Council

Cleveland City Council


This assignment is for both the Cleveland City Council Finance Committee (2pm) meeting AND the following City Council meeting (2:30pm).

The following meeting, held during the COVID-19 emergency declaration, will be conducted as a virtual meeting in accordance with Ohio’s Open Meetings Laws as amended by H.B 404.

The public may observe this meeting on YouTube:

And, on Cleveland TV Channel 20 (Spectrum Cable TV), as well as livestreamed online at TV 20:

For more information go to Cleveland City Council’s website:

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Note-taking by Hannah Morgan

City Council approves spending for departments including Public Safety and Community Relations; OKs new East Side a

Live reporting by Nate Lull

City Council approves spending for departments including Public Safety and Community Relations; OKs new East Side a

Nate J. Lull @natelull00
Good afternoon Cleveland!

At 2PM, i’ll begin live tweeting @CleCityCouncil Finance Meeting AND the following Council Meeting for @cledocumenters.

This meeting is live-streamed on Youtube and TV 20.

You can watch the meeting here:…

12:01 PM Apr 19, 2021 CDT

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There are six pieces of legislation up for final approval at today’s finance meeting.

The entire agenda can be found here:…
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We're live with a start time of 2:02 PM.

Finance Committee Members:
Chair: Kevin J. Kelley
Vice Chair: Phyllis Cleveland
Members: Kevin L. Bishop, Anthony Brancatelli, Kevin Conwell, Blaine A. Griffin, Brian Kazy, Kerry McCormack, Brian Mooney

Absent: Cleveland & Conwell
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First item for passage: Ordinance # 243-2021 by Councilmember Kelley: To Amend Section 50 of payband, Muni Court

Director of H.R. Nycole West explains that this legislation ammending Section 19 of Ordinance No. 194-2021, passed March 29,
2021, relating to compensation.

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2nd Item: # 248-2021 by Councilmember Kelley and Dept. Request:
Ratify CBA collective bargaining agreement w Local 1317 Longshoremen, amend payband 19.

Director West: 2 percent increase in pay per year for 20 employees in the dept. of public works.

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Moving to Public Safety.

Ord. # 102-2021 by Councilmember's Kelley and Griffin:
Authorizing the Director of Public Safety
to enter into one or more contracts with the International Association of Chiefs of Police to conduct training through a Faculty Development Workshop...
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(cont.) and to provide mentoring and instruction through Leadership in Police Organization training, for the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety.
Est. Cost: $62,600

Funded by Police Budget.
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(3 of 3)

Director of Public Safety Karrie Howard: This legislation would provide those in Public Safety and specifically the Division of Police a workshop on leadership, continuing with the goals of the CPD.

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Moving to Public Health.

Ord. # 130-2021 by Councilmember's McCormack and Kelley by dept. request.

Authorizing the Director of Public Health
to enter into one or more contracts with Merrick House to provide Moms First services to women at risk of poor birth outcomes...
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(cont.) on the west side of Cleveland, for a period of one year.

Est. Cost: $242,864

Director of Public Health Brian Kimball: Merrick House is a long-term partner of Cle, who provides services to pregnant women. Provides health education and screening.
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Lisa Matthews, Program Manager of Mom's First: Merrick House has successfully met all their project deliverables for many years now.

Councilmember Kelley: Commends the work of Mom's First.

Councilmember McCormack: This is a proven model.

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Moving to Community Relations.

Ord. # 148-2021 by Councilmember's Griffin, Kelley, dept. request: Authorizing the Executive Director of the
Community Relations Board to apply for and accept a grant from the
Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division.
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(cont.) to conduct the 2021 Cleveland Community Diversion Program.

Director of Community Relations Grady Stevenson: This program allows for at-risk youth to successfully complete their obligations in order to "make positive changes in their neighborhood."
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(cont.) Councilmember Kelley: This legislation was heard by the Public Safety Committee.

Chair of PSC, Blaine Griffin: This legislation has been heard and recommended for approval.

Councilmember Mooney says this is a great program that he previously has volunteered with.
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Ord. 148-2021 is APPROVED AS READ.
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Moving to Econ Development

Ord. # 209-2021 by Councilmember's Basheer Jones, Anthony Brancatelli, and Kevin Kelley by dept. request:

Authorizing the Director of Econ. Dev to to enter into contract with Inspirion Group, LTD, or its
designee, to provide economic development...
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(cont.) ...assistance to partially finance
the development of the Addis View apartments at Chester Avenue and East 90th Street, and other associated costs necessary to redevelop the property.

Est. Cost of loan: $500,000
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Econ. Development Director David Ebersole: This legislation allows for the Inspiron Group to demolish some deteriorating structures on East 90th. It is a 4-phase project of around 400 new units. Priced to be affordable at the 80% AMI level (Area Median Income).
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Chairman of Econ Development & Planning Committee Anthony Brancatelli: This legislation is fully supported by the committee.

Councilmember Basheer Jones of Ward 7, where this development will occur, is not in attendance.

209-2021 is APPROVED AS READ.
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Moving to Capital Projects

Ord. # 226-2021 is not on the posted agenda.
By B. Jones, Bishop, Kelley, dept. request.

To amend sections 2 and 10 of Ord # 822-2020, passed Dec. 9, 2020 related to the East 66th roadway improvement project.

Cle Foundation is adding $50k.
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Director of Capital Projects, Matt Spronz: Preliminary work on this project will start in April and wrap up in September.

Total cost breakdown:

$431,332 total

$300,000 provided by Cleveland Foundation

$131,332 provided by City of Cleveland
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Ord # 226-2021 cont:

K. Kelley: This is a transformational project and is recommended for passage. Has been seen by Councilmember Jones of Ward 7.

K. McCormack: "This will have an incredible impact on the neighboring community."

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Moving to Public Works

Ord #534-2021 by Hairston, Johnson, Kelley, dept. request:

Authorizing the Dir. of Public Works to renew a contract to allow for vendors to sell concessions during CMSD football games. CDC guidelines will be followed before opening of the concessions.
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Ord #534-2021

Councilmember Polensek: Do we support non-profit groups before for-profit groups?

Dir. of Public Works Michael Cox: Anyone is able to bid on these contracts. We will make sure non-profit groups are notified of the bid process.
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Correction: Ord # is 534-2020.
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Ord #99-2021

Allowing a slight rate increase in budget at Highland Park Golf Course, which is owned by city of Cleveland.

Dir. Michael Cox: First rate increase since 2010, we are seeing higher play rates.

Chairman Bishop: We recommend the increase.
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Councilmember Griffin: "This is one of few chances in the city for East siders to play golf. Many people want to see this land go to the Metroparks, which I am open to the discussion of. This golf course is crucial to the East side of Cleveland. I strongly support this."
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Dir. Michael Cox: Last year, non-residents playing on the course was near 19,000. Residents playing on the course was around 16,000.

Brancatelli: It is a beautiful course, and the rate increase fee to play is justified by the number of non-residents playing on the course.
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Councilmember Polensek states that subsidizing a suburban course is not something he approves of. He would rather see this course go to Metroparks.

Councilmember Conwell, who joined the call late, agrees with Polensek.

Ord. # 99-2021 is APPROVED AS READ.
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Ord # 198-2021 by Bishop, Kelley, dept. request

Authorizing the purchase of rock salt by the Dept. of Public Works.

Est. Purchase Cost: $3,500,000

Recommended for passage by Municipal Service Committee.

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Ord # 208-2021 by Brancatelli, Bishop, Kelley, dept. request

Authorizing the Dir. of Public Works to enter into an agreement with ODOT to maintain and repair the Jennings Freeway in exchange for rock salt for a period of 2 yrs. with 3 additional 1 yr. options.
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Dir. of Public Works Michael Cox explains that in exchange for rock salt, ODOT agrees to maintain, plow, and repair Jennings Freeway. This has been in agreement since Jennings Freeway was built. This is a trade-off.

Brancatelli, of Ward 12, is supportive of the legislation.
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Ord. # 208-2021 APPROVED AS READ.
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Ord # 229-2021
by Dept. request:
Authorizing transfer and disposal of tires for the Division of Waste Collection.

Dir. Michael Cox: Authorizes removal of tires from tree lawns and dumped areas. Estimated cost is around $588,000.

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City Council Meeting Start Time: 3:19 PM.

Absent: B. Jones, J. Jones, Cleveland, Spencer.

Posted agenda is empty, though there seems to be legislation on the agenda today.
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Ord # Readings by Clerk

256-2021 New License Application at 7934 Lorain Ave.
257-2021 Transfer of Location Application at 5611 Tillman Ave.
258-2021 New License Application at 7527 Union Ave.
259-2021 Transfer of Ownership Application at 740 W. Superior Ave.
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260-2021 Transfer of License Application at 8035 Superior Ave.
261-2021 Transfer of Ownership Application 9402 Lorain Avenue
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First Reading

262-2021 Concessions in the Public Auditorium
263-2021 Resurfacing of Spring Road to Broadview Road
264-2021 Payment of membership dues of Cle and Global Cleveland
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Emergency Resolutions for Committee Review

265-2021 Appointing Assessment Equalization Board for Superior Arts Improvement District and Comprehensive Services and declaring an emergency.
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Emergency Resolutions for adoption

266-2021 Objecting to a C-1 liquor permit at 9305 Miles Ave
267-2021 Objecting to a new C-2 at 11511 Kinsman Rd.
268-2021 Withdrawing objection to liquor permit at 3312 Broadview Rd.
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Motion to suspend the rules by Councilmember Griffin, seconded by Councilmember Santana. Motion carries. First reading ordinances will be placed on final passage.

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First Reading Emergency Adoption ordinances:
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Second Reading Emergency Ordinances to be passed:
534-2020 authorizing the Dir. of Public Works to enter into a contract with concession vendors at Collinwood Park.
99-2021 authorizing the increase in golf course rate fees.
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102-2021 authorizing Dir. of Public Safety to enter in contracts with International Association of Chiefs of Police to conduct training and mentoring through leadership workshops.
130-2021 authorizing Dir. of Public Health to enter into contracts with Merrick House
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(cont.) to provide Mom's First services at-risk women on the west side of Cle.
148-2021 authorizing E.D. of Community Relations Board to accept a grant from the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas to conduct the 2021 Diversion Program.
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(cont.) 198-2021 authorizing the purchase of rock salt by the Dir. of Public Works
208-2021 authorizing Dir. of Public Works to enter into agreement with ODOT to allow for rock salt to be exchanged in return for the maintenance and repair of Jennings Freeway.
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209-2021 authorizing the Dir. of Econ Development to enter into a contract with Inspiron Group to partially finance the development of the Addis View Apts. at Chester Ave and East 90th.

226-2021 Amend sections 2 and 10 of ord. 822-2020 relating to the East 66th road project.
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229-2021 authorizing the purchase by 1 or more requirement contracts for the transfer and disposal of tires by the Division of Waste Collection.
243-2021 to amend section 50 of 194-2021 relating to compensation for various classifications
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244-2021 authorizing the Dir. of Finance and Public Works to enter into 1 or more concession agreements throughout various city owned and city leased buildings, for a period not to exceed 2 years. Extend concession agreements for up to 6 months during renegotiations.
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246-2021 authorizing the Dir. of Public Works to enter into agreement with the West Denison Baseball League to provide free or reduced cost rec. youth baseball/softball for one year.
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approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Longshoremen Association Local 1317 and amend section 19 of ord. # 194-2021 relating to compensation for various classifications.
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Motion to suspend the rules is put forth by Councilmember Griffin and seconded by Councilmember Santana. Legislation will be placed on final passage.

Roll call: 12-0.

Passage: 12-0.

This concludes the legislative agenda.
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Councilmember Polensek with some discussion, asks if the Jackson admin has heard anything else on the funds from the American Recovery Act. Says Akron Mayor has forwarded a list to Council for discussion and legislation.

Councilmember Kelley says he has not heard anything new.
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Councilmember Polensek wants to make sure that funds are not dumped on council without a clear outline on where to spend the funds.

Councilmember Kelley says only thing that will be dumped on Council is the acceptance legislation, which he intends to pass.
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Councilmember Griffin adds that funds must be appropriated by Council. Suggests that a discussion by consultants on how to best spend money should take place.
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Councilmember Conwell asks for an excused absence for next Monday's meeting for his 36th wedding anniversary.
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Councilmember Polensek asks if any additional information has been released by the State House on if income tax will be taken from general budget from people who live outside the city.

Councilmember Kelley says that yes, they are watching a "cloaked bill" very closely.
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Councilmember Slife asks if talks with the Jackson admin. have taken place about reopening city hall, allowing summer events. Suggests that maybe a hearing should take place about this.

Councilmember Kelley says he does not have any additional info at this time.
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Councilmember Conwell on House Bill 22, which states that citizens cannot take pictures of police officers: I will be in Columbus this Thursday to fight against the bill. It is up for hearing. Adds that any councilmembers are welcome to join him.
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Council meeting is adjourned. Next meeting is April 26, 2021.
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That was quite a lot of tweeting from myself. Gonna need to take a big break after this one.
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Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any enquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters Or email us at


By Hannah Morgan 4/19/2021
By Hannah Morgan 4/19/2021

Agency Information

Cleveland City Council

Cleveland City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Cleveland in Ohio. There are 17 elected Cleveland City Council members representing the 17 wards of the City of Cleveland. Each ward has approximately 25,000 residents. Council Members are elected to serve a four-year term. Council members serve two roles in their duties: to draft and enact legislation for the city of Cleveland and act as ombudsmen for their constituents.

Find meetings streamed at: *online on TV20 at:

*The meetings are also streamed on YouTube:


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