
Friday, Nov. 4, 2022
10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. CDT

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121 N LaSalle St Chicago, IL 60602 (Directions)

You have the option of documenting this meeting in person or remotely. If you choose to attend in person, an additional hour will be added to your total assignment hours.

If you choose to document remotely, the meeting will be live-streamed at https://www.chicityclerk.com/.

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page.

If you don’t see a link for the meeting, you may be early or the meeting may be starting late. Wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

This City Council meeting’s agenda will include a vote on the city’s 2023 budget, but it’s likely that the vote will be deferred to Monday, Nov. 7.

See also: Our guide to navigating the city budget process and last year’s Documenters coverage of this meeting.

Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Stephen Yoshida

Native American Heritage Month; New AIS commissioner

Live reporting by Isabelle Stroobandt

Native American Heritage Month; New AIS commissioner

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Mayor Lori Lightfoot is starting up the meeting at 10:05 am with an attendance count.

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We have a quorum https://t.co/bnBVdQCsF7

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Public comment is now starting!

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First speaker is in support of the Safe T Act “by way of locks being changed on various government” owned buildings

“The misnomered African Americans have full fight to belong to an indigenous nation, full right to a nationality …” https://t.co/UC0P3O3VVy

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Sharon ‘Renee, the next public speaker, says “we are asking all the time to get some type of resolve; some type of remedy, from our servants and our servants are not listening” https://t.co/a7c6ABwRDY

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“I am not displaced, I am here, and so are the rest of us,” they said. “You all live so much better than the people in which you work for and I am confused about that,”

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“I hope that you are not just listening but you are in a place where you’re ready and willing to do your jobs,” Sharon ‘Renee said.

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George Blakemore is up now: “The government is not your friend, as a matter of fact — they hate you.”

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Blakemore: “We have to unite and come together. We are our own problem — we’re waiting on these people to give us our reparations. They have no intention of doing that.” https://t.co/59HWbFyCRo

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Now up is Lauren Parker: “Winter is over with, we’re no longer going to have winter — yes.”

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“Us so-called African Americans, so-called Black — we are indigenous,” Parker said. “We’re indigenous to this land, we’re indigenous to all parts of the globe.” https://t.co/zabOudRd83

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“It is the people’s obligation to publicly reclaim their land,” Parker said. “Due to the level of ongoing corruption, the only solution is for certain government properties to be confiscated …” for the people by the people, she said.

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“Come January 1, 2023, we the people are changing the locks. Yes. Because most of these government funded buildings do not belong to who —,” Parker said before she’s cut off at the end of her time.

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Speaking now is an indigenous educator who is advocating for the council to learn about the indigenous people in the Chicago area (sorry, I missed his name).

“It’s really important to bring back our cultural awareness,” https://t.co/Vhd2Nslxl5

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Moving onto resolutions:

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First up is a resolution to officially make Indigenous People’s Day a holiday in Chicago.

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Alderwomen Hadden and King both speak in support for the resolution.

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Ald Vasquez, also in support: “I want to acknowledge we’re here on stolen land,”

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Ald. Mike Rodriguez, also in support: “I also want to recognize the very strong relationship that my community, the Latino community, has with” the Native American community. “We recognize their great contributions to our culture,”

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Ald Sigcho Lopez: “We have to take a moment to look at the past to understand the present. 500 years of colonization are not going to be overcome easily,” … “When we talk about restoring the Department of the Environment,” we have an opportunity to do that

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Ald Sigcho Lopez: “Today, more than ever, we have to challenge the white supremacy this is in our schools.”

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Ald Lee: “Our biggest challenge is reconciling the good and the bad for all people” … “Thank you for all that you do to carry on your traditions,”

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Ald Cardenas: “There’s lot to be done on uniting families — some of those tribes that live here are also related to tribes in the Northwest territories,” … “There’s tens of thousands of people who have no access to unite their families,”

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ughhh *that is*

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Lightfoot: “Native American residents of our city have made a deeply positive impact on all of who we are,”

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Lightfoot: “We remain deeply committed to promoting Native cultural heritage to inform and educate visitors and residents alike,”

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Council agrees to have a antisemitic public comment from earlier be stricken from record.

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Moving quickly on…

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Waguespack is now giving the committee report for Finance — all items deferred and published https://t.co/aFbhIkDvVs

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Dowell giving the report for budget and operations — asking for deferral of several ordinances, including: https://t.co/OE36IWIWhZ

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Dowell moves for approval of appointment of Sandra Blakemore as Commissioner of Assets, Information and Services

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Appointment is approved unanimously

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Cappleman moves to reconsider the vote — Nays have it

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Sandra Blakemore is appointed

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Dowell moves passage by roll call vote for items 2-6 https://t.co/uwbXQuIH4A

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Moving to new business…

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Presented aldermanic introductions and there are no introductions to the journal.

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Moving quickly, there is no unfinished business. No miscellaneous business.

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To clarify — votes I mentioned moved for passage are all deferred as ordinance 1 was

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There is no further business — the council is adjourned until Monday.

Tune in then for the big budget vote and @CHIdocumenters #ChiBudgetBingo 🎉🏆

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Meeting ends officially at 11:20 am.

Agency Information

Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago and consists of the Mayor and Aldermen elected from each of the City’s fifty wards. Source

If you attend a meeting in person, be prepared to go through a security checkpoint and show photo ID.

Meetings are also livestreamed at https://www.chicityclerk.com/.

At this link, scroll down to “Meeting Notices.” Look for “Watch now” and click on the link with the meeting title to go to a livestream page. If you don’t see a link for the meeting, you may be early or the meeting may be starting late. Wait a few moments and try refreshing your Internet tab.

Recordings of past City Council meetings may be found here: https://vimeo.com/user100351763/videos/sort:date.

See also: “What to Expect at a Meeting of Chicago’s City Council” via the Better Government Association.

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