Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
Grand Rapids Brownfield Redevelopment Agency
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024
8:30 a.m. — 10:30 a.m. EDT
300 Monroe Ave NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (Directions)
Grand Rapids City Hall, 9th Floor
The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority is responsible for helping redevelop blighted, contaminated or functionally obsolete properties by reviewing redevelopment proposals and identifies the financial incentives needed to assist the project. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority oversees the Brownfield Redevelopment Program and the Local Brownfield Revolving Fund.
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Agency Information
Grand Rapids Brownfield Redevelopment Agency
The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (BRA) helps redevelop blighted, contaminated or functionally obsolete properties. They oversee the Brownfield Redevelopment Program and the Local Brownfield Revolving Fund.